There's No Custody Order, So What's Stopping Me?
"If there is no custody order in effect, why can't I just move out and take the kids?" The short answer is that you can do that, but you probably shouldn't.
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"If there is no custody order in effect, why can't I just move out and take the kids?" The short answer is that you can do that, but you probably shouldn't.
Jeff Williams shares what he believes to be the three vital elements to his success.
Many a client has come into our office wondering what types of expenses will be shared between themselves and the person from whom they are seeking financial support.
Is an inheritance a marital asset?
Recently there has been a push to abolish grandparent custody rights altogether.
If a married couple separates and one spouse files for divorce, what happens if either spouse passes away before the divorce is finalized?
So, if telephones are excluded from the Pennsylvania Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Control Act, can a party record a conversation, without permission, on a cell phone or a cell phone app?
When a family law matter becomes serious enough to involve legal counsel, it may be natural to want to wait, to hope that tensions will dissipate and the issues will resolve on their own. Too often, though, the party to the dispute who waits the longest loses the most.
House bill 380 has passed the Pennsylvania House by an overwhelming vote of 191 to 6; it has since been sent on to the state senate judiciary committee.
A new video produced by the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers, "The Voices of the Children of Divorce," shares the stories of several children whose parents divorced, offering insight into the thoughts and emotions of these vulnerable young people.
A surprising number of people going through divorce are not aware that "equitable distribution" includes not only the division of marital property, but also of marital debt.
The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has issued a landmark decision that may affect whether, after separation and / or divorce, a stepparent is responsible to pay child support to a biological parent.